[Featured Work] Review newly suggested legislation for promoting offshore wind power

  • Date 2024.12.20
  • Hit 24


  • Offshore wind power generation projects, which are gaining attention as a means of responding to the climate crisis and realizing carbon neutrality in industry, are facing challenges due to overly complex and protracted domestic licensing procedures, which are slowing down the operation of offshore wind power.
  • To solve these issues, bills have recently been introduced in the National Assembly to promote offshore wind power.

Scope of work

  • Compile and summarize the current zoning regulations and licensing procedures for offshore wind power development, reviewing the precedence of each process and the statutory timeframe for each license.
  • Analyze the effectiveness of relevant bills pending in the National Assembly in shortening the permit period and review related issues regarding the existing business operators
  • Suggestions on how to apply legislative techniques to shorten offshore wind permit periods and possible measures to minimize disruption in the field when relevant special laws are enacted.

Results and Effects

  • ELPS selected essential licenses to develop offshore wind power and reviewed the precedence and statutory timeframes of each licensing process to provide a basis for realistic estimates of the actual time required.
  • Also, ELPS analyzed the details of zoning regulations for each zoning item to be considered when developing offshore wind power by reviewing relevant underlying laws
  • In addition, ELPS analyzed legislative and policy techniques introduced by pending legislation in the National Assembly and their effectiveness in reducing permitting timeframes, and suggested ways to further reduce timeframes. ELPS also presented the opinion on the legal status and scope of legitimate treatment of existing business operators, one of the key issues of pending legislation.

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